American Revolution
The war between the American colonies and Great Britain leading to the formation of the independent United States http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/american-revolution/
A member of the Church of England or of a church in communion with it. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/anglican
Anglican Diocese of Huron
The Diocese of Huron supports its churches and their congregations through missions and outreach dedicated to facilitating strong Christian ministries throughout southwestern Ontario. https://diohuron.org/
Iroquois is a group of nations also known as the Haudenosaunee or “people of the longhouse,” which include the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca and the Tuscarora peoples. Six Nations is an Iroquois/Haudenosaunee reserve with a unique history, values, rights and responsibilities from other First Nations’ in Canada such as Cree, Ojibwa, Mi’kmaq, Inuit, Metis, etc.
Chiefswood National Historic Site
This unique mansion is the birthplace of famed Mohawk-English poet Pauline Johnson and was constructed along the Grand River in 1856. Chiefswood is rich in history, both Mohawk and English cultures and is an eye opening glimpse into 19th century life through the eyes of a young poetess. http://www.sixnationstourism.ca/chiefswood-national-historic-site/
Any Western Christian who is not an adherent of a Catholic, Anglican, or Eastern Church. http://www.dictionary.com/browse/protestant
E. Pauline Johnson
The daughter of a Mohawk Chief and an English women, Pauline Johnson is best known for her poetry celebrating her Aboriginal heritage http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/pauline-johnson/
The Monarch
Canada is a constitutional monarchy. Since 1534, when the King of France claimed possession of what is now Canada, the history of our country has been marked by the reigns of an uninterrupted succession of monarchs, both French and British, who have had a significant influence on our country’s development
As a constitutional monarch, The Queen no longer “rules” the country. However, as Canada’s Head of State, she remains a fundamental part of Canada’s system of government and our sense of identity.
Haudenosaunee Confederacy or Iroquois Confederacy
Haudenosaunee Confederacy or Iroquois Confederacy is comprised of the Mohawk, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, Seneca and the Tuscarora peoples. Together these nations form the Confederacy who would historically make decisions through consensus on matters that affected one another. The Haudenosaunee Confederacy was the governing body on Six Nations up until 1925 when a forced federal election replaced the Confederacy with the Six Nations Elected Council. Both the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Six Nations Elected Council are operational which creates a unique political environment on Six Nations.
SNGRDC the acronym that stands for Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation which is a corporation with the mandate to pursue economic self-sufficiency without sacrificing the cultural values and integrity of the Six Nations people
1784 Haldimand Treaty/Proclamation
1784 Haldimand Treaty/Proclamation authorized Six Nations to possess all of the land six miles on each side of the Grand River from its mouth to its source (to be held in trust by the Crown) comprising a total of approximately 950,000 acres. The lands were granted in partial recognition of the loss sustained by Six Nations of millions of acres of land in the aftermath of their alliance with the British Crown during the American Revolutionary War.